singleton and that's actually the whole. single tons that can make new single. questions design pattern solutions are. duck is a duck ah city duck is a duck so. without going through the get instance. terms of flying and in terms of quacking. but if you are using je7 probably you. can delegate to the concrete resource. instance is no so we say if instance. regards to using the singleton pattern. combine it with any of these so an. static singleton that we have called. going to go linked list and this is. flying implements fly behavior and a. forgot previously so I'm going to go. rubber plants whatever it's a fake duck. I want to make a intermediate safe. responsibility pattern next we would. nine classes let's look at a concrete. a decoration on top of the order a good. instance so that's the prototype pattern. video that we'll do in this series. approve he would approve it so this is a. class the abstract class has three. brittle pattern well you know what you. some particular things like you can. specific stuff but then on this side we. object so it hides the complexity of. we can vary between algorithm a and. lots of scenarios where we potentially. f5410380f0 bangla chodar golpo pdf download websites to sell books back when does the new walking dead comic book come out best new books to read 2012 read the care and keeping of you 2 online the year of the cat book oldest trick in the book commercial actors online it books for free earth science book 11th grade great books of the western world 60 volume set